The Universal Parallel Computing Research Center in Illinois will live stream a presentation on Case Studies in Asynchronous, Message-Driven Shared-Memory Programming on February 24, 2011 at 2:00pm Central time.
Abstract: In order to exploit the parallelism inherent in tree-based shared memory computations, one must contend with several confounding factors. First, a programming model must provide the right abstraction of a task, so that the parallelism inherent in the problem may be managed dynamically. Second, the irregular nature of parallelism in such programs often necessitates the use of mutual exclusion devices. Third, non-uniformities in the problem domain manifest themselves as load imbalance in the parallel program, which in turn degrades performance. In this talk, we tackle these issues through an object-based, message-driven approach to the programming of irregular, shared memory programs. We base our approach on the Charm++ programming language and runtime system, in which programmers express computations in terms of communicating objects.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by insideHPC, cetauaa. cetauaa said: RT @insideHPC: Just in: Webcast: Case Studies in Asynchronous, Message-Driven Shared-Memory Programming, Feb. 24 […]