eSiMon Dashboard Simulation Tool Enables Visualization via Web

Computational scientists have a new weapon at their disposal. The Electronic Simulation Monitoring (eSiMon) Dashboard version 1.0 was released to the public this month, allowing scientists to monitor and analyze their simulations in real-time.

In my experience, Dashboard has been an essential tool for monitoring and controlling the large-scale simulation data from supercomputers,” said Seung-Hoe Ku, an assistant research professor at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences who uses the Dashboard to monitor simulations of hot, ionized gas at the edge of nuclear fusion reactors, an area of great uncertainty in a device that could one day furnish the world with a nearly limitless abundance of clean energy. “The FLASH interface provides easy accessibility with web browsers, and the design provides a simple and useful user experience. I have saved a lot of time for monitoring the simulation and managing the data using the Dashboard together with the EFFIS framework.”

Developed by the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, North Carolina State University, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), this “window” into running simulations shows results almost as they occur, displaying data just a minute or two behind the simulations themselves. Ultimately, the Dashboard allows the scientists to worry about the “science” being simulated, rather than learn the intricacies of high-performance computing such as file systems and directories, an increasingly complex area as leadership systems continue to break the petaflop barrier.