It’s been an amazing week for me here in Lugano, Switzerland covering the HPC Advisory Council Workshop event. It’s also been a big week for HPC News odds and ends:
- Jobs! Firms hiring techies include: Elti Solutions, KAUST, Linkedin, Linux Journal, OptionsMarketTraders, PGI, and the gamers at The Witness.
- Petascale Internships! NCSA is seeking applicants for undergraduate Petascale internships. This is a great HPC opportunity for faculty and students.
- Could STUXNET Nuke your Datacenter? Lee Technologies is hosting a free webinar on Friday, March 25, 2 p.m. EDT about the troubling evolution of the SCADA worm originally targeted at Iran’s Bushehr reactor.
- Considering CUDA-x86? Take this survey from The Portland Group.
- Have it Your Way. Andrew Jones is running a survey on what’s more interesting: Exascale computing, Personal Supercomputing or Real Industry HPC use.
- Bigger in Texas. Data Foundry’s new data center in Texas is rigged for up to 100 MW to support your High Performance Computing co-location requirements.
- All the HubUb. Purdue is hosting the HUBbub 2011 workshop on April 4-5. The event will focus on HUBzero, a platform for creating powerful Web sites supporting computation, research, education and collaboration in science, engineering and other fields.
- Have you driven a Ford lately? The Council on Competitiveness posted a new case study that explores how Ford Motor Company used HPC to become more competitive.
- Many-core Bristol. The fourth International Many-core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference, MRSC 2011, will be held in Bristol, UK on April 11-13.
- Fully Cloaked. NERSC helped astronomers discover invisible Galaxy X.
- What’s that smell? Amazon AWS has published a case study on Bioproximity, which has an amazing appetite for compute cycles.
- Missing Middle Modules. The good folks at ICC have developed modular servers and storage targeted at small and medium businesses.
- Keep Grid Engine Free! The Open Grid Scheduler project continues to develop a pure open source fork of Grid Engine and it is 100% free (no non-open-source or commercial bits). It is maintained by the same group of non-Sun (non-Oracle) SGE developers who’ve been contributing to SGE since 2001.
That’s it for today as I’m on my way to the National HPCC Conference in Newport. It’s going to be a great show, so be sure to watch this space for more Spring 2011 Event coverage.