Podcast: Clustercorp Turns up the Volume on Rocks with New Round of Funding

In this podcast, I interview Clustercorp’s newest employees: Mason Katz, CTO, and Greg Bruno, VP of Engineering. As key developers of the Rocks open source software, Bruno and Katz came over to Clustercorp last week to bolster the commercial version of Rocks.

As announced this morning, Clustercorp has just completed its first round of institutional funding, which it will use to scale development and accelerate its successful entry into the cloud management space.

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In this time-lapse video from SC2003, SDSC builds a live, 128-node Rocks cluster in the Sun booth in approximately one hour and forty minutes.


  1. Mark Hahn says

    sorry, I don’t really get it: why is this interesting? if you want to build a cluster fast, you mainly need your nodes prepared: set to pxe boot, for instance. if your nodes are preconfigured that way, what’s the big deal? are we talking about breakthrough technology like an easy-to-open cardboard box?

  2. You are on to it, slow day in HPC that we have to tout SC 11.

    • FJW, you are right in that the SC11 show is far away, but there are some important submission deadlines cited in this newsletter that are coming up in just a few weeks. Plus, now that housing registration is open, the cheaper hotels in downtown Seattle will fill up fast.