Submissions Open: SC11 Student Cluster Competition

SC11 is now accepting proposals for the 2011 Student Cluster Competition. In a real-time challenge, teams of six undergraduate and/or high school students will build a small cluster of their own design on the SC exhibit floor and race to demonstrate the greatest sustained performance across a series of applications.

We are excited that the Student Cluster Competition has taken on a life of its own,” said Douglas Fuller, SCC chair and computational scientist at Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. “A number of universities are now including these types of challenges as part of their curriculum, offering a type of “dress rehearsal” to prepare students for the SC competition.”

The SC2010 Student Cluster Competition made headlines last year when three teams surpassed a Teraflop of sustained performance using only 26 Amps of power. For more information on the competition, check out my podcast interview with Professor Yeh-Ching Chung, whose student team from Taiwan won the title at SC10.