Video: Dan Reed on 25 Years of Supercomputing at NCSA


In this NCSA 25th Anniversary video, former center director Dan Reed (now Corporate Vice President of Technology Policy and Strategy at Microsoft) reviews highlights of his time at NCSA.

One of the things that I always found most fascinating about NCSA was the power of the vision that Larry Smarr first articulated. It was not the supercomputing center at Illinois, it was the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. One aspect of that that was critical to NCSA’s success and the impact on the U.S. economy, was the Private Sector Partners Program, the partnership with major companies across the U.S. to look at how computing technology could enable innovation, discover and economic competitiveness. I was very proud during my tenure as NCSA director that we were able to expand the Private Sector Partner Program, create collaborations with new companies, and move beyond simple application of supercomputing technologies to data-mining, to exploration in new domains, and a broad array of applications of computing technology to innovation.

Download the transcript and MP4 video.