Podcast: Mellanox Rolls Out SwitchX FDR InfiniBand with 40 GigE Built In

In this podcast, John Monson from Mellanox describes the company’s new SwitchX architecture for high performance computing.

The new class of data centers requires lossless, high density, low power switching capabilities that removes bottlenecks, supports convergence and maximizes efficiency for the best return-on-investment,” said Eyal Waldman, chairman, president, and CEO of Mellanox Technologies. “SwitchX delivers on these requirements with best-in-class features and performance over both InfiniBand and Ethernet protocols for maximum flexibility. We are proud to provide the industry’s first 56Gb/s FDR InfiniBand and the highest density Ethernet switch, both in the same IC with SwitchX.”

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  1. I don’t care about IB. “Best in class Ethernet switch” ? What about LLDP, BGP, VRRP, IGMP? Sounds like a layer-2 switch with layer-3 services left as an exercise for the customer. At any rate, comparing L2 switching numbers with the competition out there than extends well beyond L2 is at best misleading.

  2. The SwitchX IC among other things has a built-in L3 routing engine and a complex ACL policy engine that allows it to support the world’s highest switching capacity while supporting several L2 and L3 features including and not limited to LLDP, BGP, VRRP, IGMP. SwitchX provides the world’s best levels of density, power, latency and efficiency.

  3. Gotta love how marketers use “world” as if it was a tangible and measurable quantity.

    You know, SDKs have the _potential_ to support a “world” of features too.

    The problem is that enterprise doesn’t buy on potential, you actually have to deliver the features in a more polished form other than roll-your-own.

  4. I believe the word “world” is regarding the hardware features and not the software. are you aware of competing switch ICs that match or beat M’s performance? Enterprises also don’t buy ICs…which this is…

  5. L2 switching has been done by many before with similar latencies with much higher feature sizes. It turns out that enterprise as a target audience really cares about what you’d call “software” — Arista and BNT got this early on and they are making a killing.

    From the peanut gallery, it will be interesting to see you push your chip to switch vendors only to turn around the week after and sell you own switches.

  6. It's called HPC says

    Funny, someone not caring about IB in the HPC market is like someone who doesn’t care about 4G in the cellular market. Sure, let’s just stick with rotary telephones and 300baud modems for our data delivery

  7. El IC SwitchX entre otras cosas, ha incorporado un L3 motor de enrutamiento y un complejo motor de ACL política que le permite soportar la más alta del mundo la capacidad de conmutación, mientras que el apoyo a varias características de L2 y L3 incluyendo y no limitado a LLDP, BGP, VRRP, IGMP. SwitchX ofrece los mejores niveles del mundo de la densidad, la energía, la latencia y la eficiencia.