In this video, Intel’s Stephen Wheat presents The Democratization of HPC: What it is and what it means to you!
What we as an HPC community take for granted (HPC platforms, applications, tools, environments, etc) is largely unknown to the average person. While just about everyone has benefited from HPC, we’re far from the true potential of such impact. This is because the tool we refer to as “HPC” has not permeated industry, government, and academia. Democratization of HPC is just that, having facilitated the permeation of the tool. In this talk, we’ll look at what that means and how we might go about accomplishing it. We’ll then look at the potential benefits of the Democratization of HPC, which are profound. The goal of this talk is to motivate the audience to engage in the effort to accomplish the Democratization of HPC, with practical suggestions of how they can immediately engage.
Recorded at the National HPCC Conference 2011 in Newport. Download the slides (PDF).