Video: Intel Expects to Achieve Exascale Performance Benchmark


In this video Intel’s Kirk Skaugen presents the company’s vision to achieve Exaflop performance by the end of this decade. An Exaflop is quintillion computer operations per second, hundreds times more than today’s fastest supercomputers. With collaboration partners, Intel aims to deliver complete technology solution for exascale performance by the end of the decade.

“Reaching exascale levels of performance in the future will not only require the combined efforts of industry and governments, but also approaches being pioneered by the Intel(R) Many Integrated Core (Intel(R) MIC) Architecture,” according to Skaugen. “Managing the explosive growth in the amount of data shared across the Internet, finding solutions to climate change, managing the growing costs of accessing resources such as oil and gas, and a multitude of other challenges require increased amounts of computing resources that only increasingly high-performing supercomputers can address.”

Following Skaugen is a presentation that evaluates the MIC architecture by Arndt Bode from LRZ. Read the Full Story