The SC11 conference registraton page is now up and running with Early-Bird rates available now through mid-October. The conference will take place Nov. 12 – 18 in Seattle.
Visitors to the conference site can now peruse the SC11 Technical Program schedule, featuring peer-reviewed papers covering a broad spectrum of technical research as well as panel discussions featuring research and industry leaders, tutorials, workshops and more. This year’s conference will feature the interdisciplinary thrust of data intensive science and a focus on sustained performance.
Storing, managing and analyzing the vast amounts of data that science generates or collects every day is a huge challenge, and one that we must address if we hope to gain knowledge from that data,” said John Johnson, Conference Thrust chair and associate division director at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
In total, SC11 will feature a record 74 Technical Paper presentations, 23 Workshops, 30 Tutorials, and nine Panels. Along with the returning Posters, Disruptive Technologies presentations, Doctoral Showcase, and Birds-of-a-Feather gatherings, SC11 has added a Scientific Visualization Showcase and State of the Practice presentations to further enrich the technical program.