Summer is going by way too fast, so we went out to catch Troll Hunter at the brewhouse cinema for some mindless fun this week. The DVD comes out next week, so don’t miss it! Now back to work; here’s the HPC News with Snark for Friday, Aug. 19, 2011:
- Hot Jobs! If you like your summers hot, TACC is hiring.
- Hot Conference! We’ll be at Hot Interconnects. There’s still time to register and get a leg up on next-gen networking technologies. The event will be held at Intel’s World HQ in Santa Clara August 24-25, with tutorials on the 25th.
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. The HPC User Forum has a great lineup with speakers from CEA, ERDC, HECToR, LANL, NERSC, ORNL and more. The event will take place September 6-7 in San Diego. Register now.
- AMD’s Secret Weapon. It’s not a chip or a piece of software–it’s their people!
- HP’s Big Bet: Big Data. The company is Betting Big on Big Data with a $10 Billion bid for Autonomy.
- Healthcare’s Big Pain: Big Data. Compliance has made Big Data one giant pain in the butt for the healthcare industry.
- Want the Secret? Mellanox and Amax are presenting a webinar entitled: The Secret to Ultra-Fast Storage Access at Low Costs on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:00 am PT.
- X-Men First Class. X-ISS (pronounced “X-I-S-S”) a Texas firm offering business-driven information services solutions, has reached out with three Slideshare presentations designed “to raise the awareness of the large benefits X-ISS can deliver to customers in HPC.” Presentations include: A Solutions Overview, DecisionHPC: Monitoring & Analytics Software, and Outsourced System Management.