The Independent has a story on a recent panel discussion highlighting the need for innovation in manufacturing as key to improving the economy. The Innovation Forum hosted last week by the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce was moderated by John Fortt of CNBC. Participants were John Chen, CEO Sybase; George Miller, President, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; S. Shariq Yosufzai, VP Chevon and President of the California Chamber of Commerce; Rob Lamkin, CEO, Cool Earth Solar; and John Dulchinos, CEO of Adept Technology (robotics).
We are technologists. I see technology opportunities to help solve some of the biggest problems we are facing in this country,” said George Miller. He pointed out that there are twenty companies in Livermore that are based on technology developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. “At the drop of a hat, we can put together a team representing all aspects of research and go off and solve a problem. It’s about bringing together perspectives and ideas. That’s what we did during the Cold War. We understood it and kept at it. We aren’t going to solve the economy in the short term.”
Can HPC help to restore economic prosperity in this country? Read the Full Story or check out this Podcast interview with John Kirkley, editor of the Digital Manufacturing Report.