Slidecast: Nimbus Data Wins Huge Flash Deployment at eBay


In this slidecast, Nimbus Data Founder and CEO Thomas Isakovitch announces one of the world’s largest Flash storage deployments at eBay. He also provides a overview of Nimbus Data solutions and lays out where he thinks their enterprise flash storage technology is headed in the future.

This is an impressive win and tremendous validation for Nimbus, a company pioneering network-attached flash storage combined with a complete software platform,” stated Jim Handy, Chief Analyst with Objective Analysis. “Nimbus’ win at eBay shows that demanding customers are ready to replace conventional spinning disk arrays with flash even in large-scale environments to capture significant performance, power, and rackspace improvements. Nimbus’ comprehensive hardware and software make it well-positioned to capitalize on this tectonic shift in the storage industry.”

Today Nimbus also announced its second generation S-Class series of flash memory storage systems, which it describes as being three times faster than the original launched in 2010. The new devices add native support for Fibre Channel and Infiniband networking.

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