This week the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory announced that its Globus Online data movement service will be a key component of the recently announced Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project for advanced cyberinfrastructure and digital services. Funded by the National Science Foundation, XSEDE will replace and extend the TeraGrid supercomputing environment.
We already have dozens of users moving terabytes of data among XSEDE sites,” said Ian Foster, Computation Institute director and Globus co-founder. “Globus Online makes it easy for scientists to move their data wherever they need it, which, in line with the XUAS mandate, means not only among XSEDE sites, but to any location. With Globus Online, XSEDE users can move files between any two endpoints including an XSEDE partner site, other facility site, campus server, other local computer, or home laptop.”
Foster adds, “We look forward to having more XSEDE users sign up and begin using the service, so we can better address their needs as we integrate Globus Online into the XSEDE architecture.”
The capabilities offered for XSEDE users via Globus Online are already available as a free service at Read the Full Story.