Video: November HP-CAST User Group to Focus on HPC, Cloud, and Exascale


In this video, Ed Turkel discusses HP-CAST (HP’s Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical Computing Users Group meeting), which is coming up Nov. 11-12 in Seattle just prior to SC11.

I attended the recent HP-CAST in Hamburg and the technical sessions were terrific. In fact, it made me a little nostalgic for the Sun HPC Consortium meetings of old.

The Seattle HP-CAST meeting will focus on:

  • HP’s roadmap from Petascale to Exascale with an update on HP-driven Memristor and Photonics developments
  • HP’s future server roadmap including processor, GPU and chipset details provided by AMD, Intel and NVIDIA
  • Choosing appropriate programming paradigms for large scale application developments towards Exascale
  • The expansion of HPC into HPC Cloud – opportunities and challenges
  • Experiences with applications tuned for GPU-based systems
  • Experiences with large POD-based HPC systems