In this podcast, Mike Bernhardt interviews Steve Scott, recently appointed CTO of the Tesla Business Unit at Nvidia.
In the first phase of the Titan deployment, which is currently underway, Oak Ridge will upgrade its existing Jaguar supercomputer with 960 Tesla M2090 GPUs. These GPUs will serve as companion processors to the AMD multi-core CPUs. In the second phase, expected to begin in 2012, Oak Ridge plans to deploy up to 18,000 Tesla GPUs based on the next-generation architecture code-named “Kepler.”
Oak Ridge’s decision to base Titan on Tesla GPUs underscores the growing belief that GPU-based heterogeneous computing is the best approach to reach exascale computing levels within the next decade.”
This interview appears here courtesy of The Exascale Report. Download the MP3.
You can read more exclusive interviews about the Titan supercomputer in the Print’nFly Guide to SC11 Seattle. Download the PDF (15 Mbytes). If your IT crowd blocks Dropbox, please Download here.