A new whitepaper from Mellanox describes the HPC application performance advantages of InfiniBand vs. 10 Gig Ethernet. Written by Todd Wilde, Gilad Shainer, Pak Lui, and Tong Liu, the paper also makes the case that IB offers significant price/performance advantages as well.
Due to the superior end to end latency, bandwidth, scalability and advanced features of InfiniBand, it remains the clear choice for most high performance computing systems and applications. This paper explains why many applications will see advantages when using InfiniBand and shows real world results using a variety of applications including ANSYS FLUENT and Schlumberger ECLIPSE. Moreover, when performing a price/performance analysis of Mellanox QDR InfiniBand over Cisco Nexus 10GbE switching, the use of InfiniBand over 10GbE for HPC becomes even more compelling.
As you may recall, we did a post over the Holidays about a Cisco whitepaper that drew very difference conclusions. Your mileage may vary, but we always encourage comments and insights.
Download the whiitepaper (PDF). If your IT crowd blocks Dropbox, you can download from this Google page.