The 1st International Workshop on Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications has issued its Call for Papers.
This workshop gears to gather recent work on unconventional cluster architectures and applications, which might have a big impact on future cluster architectures. This includes any cluster architecture that is not based on the usual commodity components and therefore makes use of some special hard- or software elements, or that is used for very special and unconventional applications. Examples include GPUs, MICs (Many Integrated Core) and FPGAs on the hardware side, and virtualization, in-memory storage and device-to-device communication on the software side. We are in particular encouraging work on disruptive approaches, which may show inferior performance today but can already point out their full performance potential. The broad scope of the workshop facilitates submissions on unconventional uses of hardware or software, gearing to gather ideas that are coming to life now and not limiting them except for their context: clusters.
Paper submissions are due May 1, 2012.