HPC Job of the Week: High Performance Computing Storage Engineer at MSI

The University of Minnesota is seeking a High Performance Computing Storage Engineer in our Job of the Week.

MSI, the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, is seeking qualified applications for a High Performance Computing Storage Engineer. The Institute currently supports approximately 450 different groups with over 3000 active users spanning the sciences, engineering, life sciences, medicine, and social sciences. We operate a variety of HPC platforms, including three large commodity based clusters, and a large shared memory resource. Together we provide in excess of 120 million core hours a year. We also house in excess of 2 PB of storage comprising high performance parallel file systems as well as enterprise level systems. The successful candidate for this position will join our HPC operations team which is generally responsible for: planning the acquisition of state of the art systems in response to research needs, deploying and operating these systems, conducting routine maintenance, reconfigurations, and upgrades on existing systems, install and maintain HPC software and tools, and identify, troubleshoot, and resolve day-to-day hardware and software problems related to storage.

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