In case you missed them, here are some highlights our inside* publications this week:
- Slidecast: Objectivity Provides Real-time Relationship Analytics for Big Data. Brian Clark and Leon Guzenda from Objectivity discuss new InfiniteGraph features designed to accelerate application development.
- Feature: HP Hornswoggled? Will Autonomy Purchase Pay Off?. Dan Olds, our Chief Editor at inside-BigData looks at HP’s acquisition of Autonomy and asks, “Where’s the Beef?”
- Demo Video: One-Click HPCC Thor Cluster on AWS. Charles Kaminski from Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions demonstrates how easy it is to launch an HPCC Thor Cluster on AWS for Big Data analytics.
- Video: Nicira Startup Virtualizes All Things Cloud. Martin Casado from Nicira describes the company’s Network Virtualization Platform (NVP), and OpenFlow solution that takes workloads and puts them in a world where everything they see is virtual.
- Slidecast:Spotlight TMS Helps You Get the Most From Your Tickets. Did you know that 43 percent of sports tickets never make it out of the desk drawer? Tony Knopp from Spotlight TMS describes how the company helps corporate ticket buyers to get the most from their purchases.
- Podcast: Swift Engineering Moves Beyond the Wind Tunnel with Cray and Platform. A small company makes a big move to supercomputing.
- Interview: T-Platforms on the Russian Road to Exascale. The Russian HPC vendor has plans to build a 10 Petaflop system.
- Interview: ClusterVision Delivers a Total Cluster Lifecycle. Europe’s HPC experts have built a reputation for solid engineering and integration.