Total Orders 2.3 Petaflop Super from SGI

Don’t count SGI out just yet. Today the company announced that global energy producer Total S.A. has ordered a 2.3 petaflop SGI ICE X supercomputer.

The needs for compute-intensive data processing in the oil and gas industry are constantly increasing,” said SGI interim CEO Ron Verdoorn. “With data files exceeding ten petabytes, technological innovation for reservoir modeling and simulation relies not only on compute architectures but also on storage architectures, as well. Within this framework, SGI offers a complete integrated solution including compute, storage, and services.”

The new system will help Total to identify and develop oil and gas resources. Read the Full Story.


  1. How about some more details, OS, Batch Scheduler, File System, etc? These guys have a hard time delivering medium size systems this will be a real stretch.

  2. LoneRanger says

    SLES 11.1, Platform (IBM) LSF 8 and maybe PBS Pro later. Lustre on DDN with FDR fabric.