Video: HECToR Phase 3 Super Launches at University of Edinburgh


In this video, researchers describe the phase 3 HECToR supercomputer run by the EPCC at the University of Edinburgh. They do a great job of explaining how the machine is used and why it is important for scientific discovery.

HECToR is the UK’s largest, fastest and most powerful supercomputer. It is capable of over 800 million million calculations a second – that’s over 114,000 calculations a second for every man, woman and child on Earth. HECToR occupies an area of two tennis courts and has a memory of 90 Terabytes – equivalent to over 180,000 iPhone’s. It also has one Petabyte of disk space for storing data. If your iPhone had that much space it could hold 200 million tracks, and if you started listening to each one of them in 2012, you would still be listening in 3153!

The HECToR system is now made up of AMD Interlagos Opteron processors with the Bulldozer architecture with 90,000 cores. Read the Full Story.