New HP Servers Designed From Ground Up for GPU Computing

Today Nvidia announced that the company’s Tesla GPUs will be included in HP ProLiant Gen8 servers. Targeted at the technical computing market, HP’s Gen8 hybrid servers combine up to four Xeon E5 CPUs and six GPUs in a 2U server configuration. According to HP, two side-by-side HP ProLiant SL250 Gen8 servers deliver up to 4.6 teraflops of peak performance to accelerate compute- and data-intensive applications.

The HPC industry is rapidly embracing hybrid computing architectures based on their superior performance and energy efficiency,” said Sumit Gupta, director of Tesla GPU computing at NVIDIA. “Higher-performance Sandy Bridge CPUs unleash the power of NVIDIA GPUs to an even greater degree, enabling them to maximize acceleration for a range of commercial and scientific HPC applications, include AMBER, GROMACS, LAMMPS, Simulia Abaqus, seismic processing, and others.”

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