In this video, Marco Merkel from Panasas presents an overview of the company’s storage solutions. Download the slides (PDF).
Recorded at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop on March 15, 2012.
In this video, Marco Merkel from Panasas presents an overview of the company’s storage solutions. Download the slides (PDF).
Recorded at the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop on March 15, 2012.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] QCT – a.k.a. Quanta Cloud Technology – is a bigger player in the data center server business than some might think. The Taiwan-based company, a long-term partner of Intel’s, reports that it produces one in every seven ….
Rescale’s role as an intelligent cloud automation platform means the company has a unique vantage point of how R&D-driven organizations are adopting cloud. This inaugural report includes insights from over 300 organizations, running 680+ applications, on each of the major cloud providers. Additionally, the report incorporates survey responses and analytics from leading HPC practitioners as well as inputs from supercomputing hardware and software partners.