Sometimes, your HPC technology is only as good as your speaker’s ability to convey your message. Our friends at Libra Strategic Communications just announced a new workshop to assist corporate spokespeople with best practices tips and techniques for maximizing their effectiveness at media interviews. Messaging and Media Mastery 2 ␣ The Art of the Interview is an interactive media interview skills workshop available for individual coaching or for groups from two to ten people.
This dynamic media interview skills workshop is ideal for any corporate or product spokespeople who interface with the technology or business media or analysts, including presenters and spokespeople who have had formal training in the past who might benefit from a refresher program. The subject matter is applicable to junior spokespeople as well as the most senior executives.
The workshop is presented by Mike Bernhardt, a media relations expert who draws from his personal experience of handling more than 2,000 media interviews during his 25-‐year career in high-‐ tech media relations. Read the Full Story or contact