In this video, Chris Gearing and Mike Stok from Whamcloud present: Lustre Quality. Recorded at LUG 2012 in Austin.
Note: Most of the videos from LUG 2012 are now posted at the OpenSFS site.
In this video, Chris Gearing and Mike Stok from Whamcloud present: Lustre Quality. Recorded at LUG 2012 in Austin.
Note: Most of the videos from LUG 2012 are now posted at the OpenSFS site.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] Scaling GenAI inference performance requires increasing the number of GPUs or accelerators working in parallel within the scale-up domain. In-package optical I/O offers a path forward by breaking the ….
This ebook from our friends over at Rescale, shows that by adopting a platform solution and retiring the fixed capacity, on-premises infrastructure model, companies can significantly reduce capital expenditures, dramatically increase productivity, and develop next-generation innovative products at a pace that surpasses their competition.
[…] The only reason that a six month release cycle is even within the realm of possibility is due to all of the infrastructure and the development framework that has been put in place by Whamcloud and OpenSFS. There’s a really clear path as to how to request features, how features are evaluated and their release is determined (check out the OpenSFS Technical Working Group), how they make it into the source tree, and how landings are tested, reviewed and ultimately approved. There’s also a great focus on quality, as evidenced by the great talk given by Chris Gearing. […]