This week we launched our GTC Special Edition in preparation for the GPU Technology Conference. On different fronts, here are some recent highlights from our other inside* publications:
- Slidecast: Creating Benchmarks to Meet Changing Industry Demands. The folks at the Transaction Processing Council are busy making better benchmarks.
- Slidecast: Jaspersoft – How to Best Align Your Big Data Strategy: Start at the End. Learn how Jaspersoft provides the most cost effective and widely deployed business intelligence software in the world, enabling better decision making through highly interactive, web-based reports, dashboards, and analysis.
- Slidecast: Newvem – Know Your Cloud. Learn how Newvem’s suite of tools utilize both cloud data analysis and crowd sourcing to enable DevOps, IT Managers and other Cloud Stakeholders to get to the bottom of their cloud faster by operating more efficient, secure, and cost effective clouds.
- Video: Uptime Automation – Preventing Failures. Restarting HPC jobs costs you time and money. This session focuses on how you can use Moab to protect your jobs and increase uptime.
- Slidecast: Bina – Accelerating Data-Driven Healthcare. For genomics, Bina provides a dramatic improvement in the accuracy, computational efficiency and cost of data analysis.
- Feature: Bare Shelves – The Great Engineering Shortage. Jon Bischke from Entelo looks at why it is so tough to hire people with technical skills.