SGI Boosts Big Data Performance with Sandy Bridge

This week SGI announced world record benchmark performance with full support for the newest Intel Xeon processor E5-2400 and E5-4600 product families. The E5-2400 is now the base processor in the SGI Hadoop Starter Kits and is available in the SGI Rackable product line for use in other applications.

Big Data is characterized not just by its volume but also by its velocity and variety. Moreover, Big Data can be in either structured or unstructured forms. These dynamics give rise to a broad range of demands made on a computer system, especially for high performance and comprehensive analytics,” said SGI CTO Dr. Eng Lim Goh. “Our long design relationship with Intel and the incorporation of the more robust Intel Xeon E5 processors, have enabled us to develop the next SGI coherent shared memory platform that scales up even higher, in compute, memory and IO, than our previous generation. The result is a system ideally suited to meet this broad spectrum of existing and emerging Big Data challenges.”

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