In this video, Steve Lyness from Appro presents: Appro Supercomputer Solutions.
To survive in an ever-changing global environment, creating and delivering innovative products and services are what give any business the competitive edge in today’s global markets. In this presentation, you will learn how Appro, a US based High Performance Computing company met the supercomputing requirements of the University Of Tsukuba Center Of Computational Sciences in Japan. Learn how reliability, availability, manageability and compatibility were essential for the successful 800TF hybrid supercomputing implementation. Learn best practices on improving data I/O performance and memory size limitations configured with Lustre™ File System to offer the best performance per dollar with excellent memory capacity per FLOP. Explore how the University of Tsukuba’s Appro Xtreme-X™ Supercomputer is accelerating large scale parallel code by combining CPU/GPU processing cluster configurations and how this implementation will be used as a pioneer for a competitive advantage for future exascale computing systems.
Recorded at the 2012 National HPCC Conference in Newport.