Argonne’s Mira is “Turned On and Being Tested”

The 10 Petaflop Mira supercomputer is just around the corner. Not only that, Sandra Guy at the Chicago Sun-Times writes that the new Northwestern-Argonne Institute for Science and Engineering will use the new system in an unprecedented partnership with Northwestern University. The institute will combine Argonne National Laboratory’s supercomputing and nanoscale materials prowess with Northwestern University’s engineering, chemistry and materials science specialties to bring research to life in the factory.

Peter W. Voorhees, a computational mathematics expert, said the institute aims to strengthen Chicago’s “innovation ecosystem” by linking materials science experts with Argonne’s tools, including soon-to-open “green” supercomputer Mira, the world’s first “petascale” machine capable of churning through 5 billion computer hours of scientific data in a year. Mira, which is turned on and being tested before going live in a couple weeks, will be 20 times faster than Argonne’s current supercomputer, Intrepid.

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