NERSC announced today that it will install a next-generation “Cascade” supercomputer computing system and next-gen Cray Sonexion storage. When completed in 2012, the $40 million system is expected to a have a peak performance of over 2 Petaflops.
From energy efficient batteries to climate change, NERSC’s 4,500 users are tackling problems that are of vital importance to our nation’s competiveness and sustainability, so it is critical that our next system NERSC-7, deliver readily accessible performance on real-world applications,” says Kathy Yelick, Associate Laboratory Director of Computing Sciences at Berkeley Lab.
Next generation Cascade systems will make use of future multicore and/or manycore Opteron and Intel processors as well as vectorization and multithreading accelerators. Cascade will also be the first system to feature the Aries interconnect technology, which Intel acquired from Cray earlier this year. Read the Full Story.