Dr. Yamanaka Testing Code for Tsubame 2.0 using Bright Cluster Manager

This week Bright Computing announced that Gordon Bell prize winner Dr. Akinori Yamanaka from the Tokyo Institute of Technology is using Bright Cluster Manager on his personal cluster. Dr. Yamanaka writes and tests GPU accelerated applications before running them on the institute’s TSUBAME 2.0 supercomputer.

We scientists are time-constrained,” said Dr. Yamanaka. “Our priority is our research, not managing our clusters. Bright is intuitive to use, and with it i can effectively manage my cluster without wasting time writing scripts, or synchronizing management tool revisions. Provisioning is fast and easy too. I prefer this approach over open source toolkits.”

Read the Full Story or Download Dr. Yamanaka’s award-winning paper, “Peta-scale Phase-Field Simulation for Dendritic Solidification on the TSUBAME 2.0 Supercomputer.”