From Garage-Shop Roots, MEGWARE Leads German TOP500 Vendors

We hear a lot about the TOP500 this time of year out of ISC Hamburg, but you may be wondering how the German supercomputing fared this time. It looks like MEGWARE out of Chemnitz is the leader with three projects in the TOP500: ABEL, MOGON and VSC-2.

The HPC-Cluster MOGON, which was installed at the University of Mainz in the past weeks, is in place #81 with 33,792 processor cores and 204.99 Tflop/s. It takes 8th place among the German HPC systems. The ABEL-Cluster at the University of Oslo, which MEGWARE also installed in the past weeks, is ranked #96 with its 10,080 cores and 178.6 Tflop/s. The third MEGWARE system is the VSC-2. Austriaís most powerful supercomputer has been in operation at the Technical University of Vienna since May 2011. Last year it got started in 56th place. Currently, it is in 117th place.

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