In case you missed them, here are some recent highlights the other inside* publications:
- Slidecast: Lucid Imagination: Enabling Scalable Search, Discovery, and Analytics. LucidWorks Big Data is an application development platform that enables comprehensive Search, Discovery and Analysis of an organization’s content and user interactions.
- Feature: TerraEchoes: Big Data Analytics On-the-Fly. Why map reduce your data when you can process it as it comes in?
- Slidecast: ShopKeep – A Point-of-Sale System from iPads to the Cloud. ShopKeep is an iPad Point of Sale system that gives merchants the power to run and analyze their businesses in an elegant, easy-to-use and inexpensive cloud-based interface.
- Video: Marrying Big Data and Cloud. What are the barriers to becoming a more data-driven company and how do you overcome those hurdles?
- Slidecast: Junar – Powering the Data Economy. This new Startup helps you access Open Data, the next defining theme for business and government as information drives innovation and collaboration.
- News: Free VPN for Complete Privacy. proXPN is now offering free, unlimited 512-bit encryption for all users. Available for both Windows and Mac, proXPN utilizes the OpenVPN protocol to establish a 512-bit encryption tunnel using a 2048-bit key.