Meet the Winners of the ISC’12 Student Cluster Challenge

To wrap up ISC’12, China won the day with at the Student Cluster Competition. Team Tsinghua did a terrific job, deriving an unprecedented 2.7 Teraflops from their Inspur machine on a meager diet of only 3000 Watts!


In this video, Dan Olds from Gabriel Consulting profiles the winners of the ISC’12 Student Cluster Competition.

Chinese universities have gone student cluster crazy over the past year. When China was allotted two team slots at the ISC 2012 Student Cluster Competition, more than 300 schools expressed interest in participating. Thirty submitted proposals, forcing the country to conduct a play-in round to select two teams to make the Hamburg trip. The overall winner was Beijing’s Tsinghua University (profiled here). They’re a bit of an enigma, since they’re a first-time participant on the world Student Cluster Competition stage. But they beat out NUDT in the intra-China competition, and that means that they know their way around a cluster.

Be sure to check out Dan’s full coverage of the competition including profiles of all the young teams. These kids are all winners in my book, and the HPC skills they’re building will pave the way for great careers in our community when they graduate.