SARA Whitepaper: Mapping Applications to Architectures

Dr. Ir. Anwar Osseyran and Dr. Ir. Peter Michielse, from SARA in the Netherlands have published a new whitepaper entitled: Mapping Applications to Architectures – The Strategy at SARA. The paper provides an overview of computational science and areas that require optimization and improved resource utilization.

This white paper describes application usage on various High Performance Computing architectures, running at the computing ecosystem supported at SARA. SARA supports both capability, capacity and loosely coupled architectures and runs various user services on these systems. Application usage is optimized over the various architectures, such that each application runs on its optimal architecture as much as possible. Further improvement can be reached through monitoring, technical optimization and access review policies. Scalability of capability computing applications on the Huygens system compares well to other European systems. From a cost perspective, commercial offerings are not (yet) competitive to SARA’s systems due to the cost effectiveness and national scale of the service. The concept of sector clouds will be discussed, showing clear advantages over public and private clouds.

Download the paper (PDF).