Still Time to Save on ISC’12 – Register Online by June 16

With ISC’12 just two week away, you might be surprised to learn that there is still time to save on registration. Rates are if you register online by June 16.

Registration this year is running 15 percent ahead of last year, pointing to an estimated record attendance of 2,400 participants. Clearly, HPC experts from around the world are taking to heart the ISC’12 theme of “Join the Global Supercomputing Community.”

Here is an overview of the different passes available:

  • Conference Pass: The conference pass gives access to all Invited Sessions, Contributed Sessions, and Industrial Sessions from Monday, June 18, through Thursday, June 21, as well as the Exhibition.
  • Exhibition Pass: The exhibition pass gives access to all Contributed Sessions, Industrial Sessions and the Exhibition. This year’s exhibition will be the largest ever, with 175 exhibitors participating, including more than 54 organizations attending ISC for the first time.
  • Tutorial Pass: This pass provides access to all 12 full-day and half-day educational tutorials on Sunday, June 17. Hybrid programming is again a hot topic and will be addressed in a number of tutorial sessions.
  • HPC in Asia Workshop Pass: This pass gives access to the HPC in Asia Workshop and an evening reception held on Sunday, June 17. This is the second year for this workshop, which aims to share information on the latest status of HPC systems and applications from leading countries in Asia.

For complete registration information, visit the ISC’12 Registration Site.