Hardcore Computer Changes Name to LiquidCool Solutions

Today HardcoreComputer changed their new corporate name to LiquidCool Solutions. The new name reflects the company’s strategic vision of integrating and licensing its cooling technologies for high-growth applications.

The name LiquidCool connects the company to our heritage of pioneering total liquid submersion cooling for electronics and calls attention to our continued advancements in cooling innovations,” said Rick Tufty, Vice President of Engineering, LiquidCool Solutions. “With a powerful IP portfolio and a continued focus on breakthrough research and development in cooling technologies, LiquidCool is positioned to deliver market-leading performance for a variety of markets.”

According to the company, the key advantage of LiquidCool’s patented liquid cooling technology is the use of its dielectric fluid for plug and play solutions that deliver precise intelligent and direct cooling suitable for mass-market applications. Read the Full Story or check out this Rich Report Slidecast on LiquidCool technology.