HPC Advisory Council Update and Student Cluster Challenge Results


In this video, Gilad Shainer, Chairman of the HPC Advisory Council discusses the recent European HPC Workshop, upcoming meetings in Spain and China, and results from the ISC’12 Student Cluster Competition.

The first of the major awards was for the highest LINPACK score,” said Dan Olds from Gabriel Consulting. “It’s amazing how much difference six months makes when it comes to computer hardware. At the SC11 Student Cluster Competition in Seattle, six out of the eight teams broke the Teraflop barrier with scores ranging from 1.127 to Team Russia’s GPU-fueled high score of 1.926. And the year before, at SC10 in New Orleans, only three teams topped a Teraflop – barely. But now, a mere six months later, all five ISC Student Cluster Challenge teams turned in Teraflop+ LINPACK scores. In fact, the lowest score this year would have finished in the top three or four last year in Seattle. The high score, a stunning 2.651 TF/s, was turned in by China’s NUDT team. Their GPU-laden configuration paid off when it came to LINPACK: they left the rest of the field in the dust.

Recorded at ISC’12 in Hamburg.