Some members of the HPC community have written in to share that a memorial service for Allan Snavely will be held in San Diego on Aug. 12, in coordination with the Self-Realization Fellowship. Snavely, who was recently named CTO of LLNL, suffered a heart attack over the weekend while road biking.
It’s difficult to summarize a life so full of accomplishment,” said SDSC Michael Norman. “Allan would rather blaze his own trail than travel along a well-worn path accepted by others. He was driven to stay ahead of the curve, striving to find innovative solutions to advance high performance computing for science and society. The Gordon system embodies Allan’s out-of-the-box thinking. The term visionary is sometimes overused, but I and others believe Allan fit the description. The HPC community has lost a true visionary.”
A number of articles have been written about Snavely this week, including a feature from SDSC and a great piece by Charles Babcock at Information Week.
Allan Snavely is survived by his wife, Nancy, and daughter, Sophia. Donations are being accepted for a college fund created for Sophia. To contribute, please write your check to “Merrill Edge” and include the account number “Edge 53Z-19187” on the subject line. Checks should then be mailed to: 1400 Merrill Lynch Dr., Pennington, NJ 08534
Update: The Allan Snavely Memorial Service takes place Aug. 12 in Encinitas.