PRACE Inaugurates 2 Petaflop CURIE Super

Last week the European PRACE infrastructure celebrated the inauguration of CURIE, their second Tier-0 system.

Composed of fat, hybrid and thin nodes, the machine is fully operational since 1 March 2012. With a peak performance of 2 petaflops, CURIE, a Bull BullX system based on the latest Intel Xeon technology, is a combination of huge computational capabilities – powered by more than 92.000 cores – and strong data processing capacities (more than 360 TB of main memory and 15 PB of attached disk).

Hosted in France, the 2 Petaflop supercomputer has already been instrumental to a team of researchers who computed the structure of the entire observable universe, from the Big Bang to the present day – a world premiere. CURIE’s computing power has enabled researchers to reach a new level in their understanding of the mechanisms of Alzheimer’s and brain degeneration. Read the Full Story or check out PRACE’s new Annual Report.