Test Your Mettle on Java Message Passing: Summer of Code 2012 Contest

Here is some news for Java programmers that like to go fast: FastMPJ is hosting Summer of Code 2012 contest on parallel programming with message-passing in Java, and participation is open to everyone.

Java programming is widely used in industry and academia, but it is commonly (and wrongly) thought as not being suitable for environments in which performance is crucial. This Summer of Code is intended towards everyone who is eager to learn in which way Java can improve our applications performance and how to program in parallel using Java. Winning the prize is encouraging, but the most important goal of each contestant must be learning” says Sabela Ramos, the director of this FastMPJ Summer of Code 2012.

Prior knowledge of FastMPJ programming is not required, as their documentation page will get you up to speed quickly. Read the Full Story.