The ISC Cloud’12 conference in Mannheim next month will include a keynote session on how the Helix Nebula Initiative is driving scientific discovery. Launched earlier this year, the Helix Nebula Science Cloud was designed to support the massive IT requirements of European scientists and create a cloud computing market for the public sector in Europe.
Cloud Computing is not only having an impact on the private sector but also the public sector including research organisations such as CERN, ESA and EMBL. The feasibility of such a transformation is of great interest to the suppliers of cloud-based services and to the national and European funding agencies. The Helix Nebula initiative is a preliminary step towards a European cloud-based scientific e-infrastructure. Three flagship use cases from high energy physics, molecular biology and earth-observation will be used to validate the approach, enable a cost-benefit analysis to be undertaken and the next stage of the Science Cloud Strategic Plan developed and approved. The Science Cloud infrastructure will be initialized with large-scale unique data sets and bring thousands of scientists on the platform.
For more information, check out the ISC Cloud’12 full program.