MIT’s StarCluster: HPC Clouds Made Simple

Gavin Burris has posted a quick tutorial on how to fire up StarCluster from MIT, a toolkit for launching clusters of virtual compute nodes within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). StarCluster provides a simple way to utilize the cloud for research, scientific, high-performance and high-throughput computing.

StarCluster defaults to using Ubuntu Linux (deb) images for its base, but I have prepared a Scientific Linux (rpm) image. Most of the research computing clusters I administrate are composed of Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS, or Scientific Linux, so I was eager to have a compatible cloud option built off of my currently favorite Linux flavor.

You can get started trying out StarCluster with the AWS Free Usage Tier. Read the Full Story.


This video demonstrates how to install, configure, and launch your own HPC cluster on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud using StarCluster 0.91.