Ciena to Power Janet6 eScience Network in the U.K.

Today Ciena announced that the UK’s next-generation Janet6 National Research & Education network will be based on the company’s 6500 Series Packet-Optical Platform. According to Ciena, the 6500’s flexible multi-protocol network platform will enable Janet to rapidly set-up services for strategic research campuses.

Research and education networks are early adopters of cutting-edge technology and therefore close partners in the development of tomorrow’s networks, which our OPn architecture supports by enabling the economical and exponential scale required to support high-bandwidth, collaborative research projects, said John-Paul Hemingway, Vice-President and General Manager, EMEA at Ciena. “Ciena is proud to be working with Janet on the evolution of its network, helping it support innovative new services and meet the exacting – and sometimes as yet unknown – demands of eScience projects that have the potential to change our understanding of the world, from particle physics to genetics and astronomy.”

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