Jülich Fires Up Eurtotech Aurora for Exascale Research

In one of the very first hardware milestone on the road to Exascale, today the Jülich Supercomputing Centre announced that the Eurotech Aurora hot water cooled HPC system installation has been completed.

The 128-node Aurora supercomputer will be used in the DEEP (Dynamic Exascale Entry Platform) project. The DEEP consortium, led by Forschungszentrum Jülich, proposes to develop a novel, Exascale­enabling supercomputing architecture with a matching software stack and a set of optimized grand­challenge simulation applications. DEEP takes the concept of compute acceleration to a new level: instead of adding accelerator cards to Cluster nodes, an accelerator Cluster – called Booster – will complement a conventional HPC system and increase its compute performance.

Aurora is expected to enable unprecedented scalability when it comes online for users in October. The Cluster­level heterogeneity of DEEP will attenuate the consequences of Amdahl’s law allowing users to run applications with kernels of high scalability alongside kernels of low scalability concurrently on different sides of the system, avoiding at the same time over- and under-subscription. An extrapolation to millions of cores would take the DEEP concept towards an Exascale level.