In case you missed them, here are some recent highlights the other inside* publications:
- Slidecast: 10gen Steps up with MongoDB 2.2. In this slidecast, Edouard Servan-Shreiber from 10gen presents an overview of the performance and productivity features in MongoDB 2.2.
- Slidecast: Making the Biggest Big Data Easy. In this video, 1010 Data CEO Sandy Steier describes how his company enables trillion-cell spreadsheets in the Cloud.
- Feature: Industry Leaders Announce Cloud Advisory Council. A number of IT industry leaders have come together to form the Cloud Advisory Council, an innovative not-for-profit organization dedicated to develop and enable the next-generation cloud architecture.
- Slidecast: Garantia Data – The in-memory NOSQL Cloud. In this slidecast, Ofer Bengal from Garantia Data presents an overview of the company’s fully-automated cloud service for hosting Memcached and Redis.
- Feature: Totella Startup Shares the Story of the Sikh Tragedy. A new Startup called Totella is an effort by three Sikh entrepreneurs to enable people to share the stories that make up their lives.
- Slidecast: Vizify Startup Puts the Best of You Online, All in One Place. Vizify helps you transform all those interesting impressions you make online into one definitive, multidimensional, graphical biography.