PGI Accelerator Workshop in Houston, Sept. 26-27

nCore Design will host a Programming Workshop on the PGI Accelerator with OpenACC Directives in Houston, Texas Sept. 26-27, 2012. Developed in collaboration with The Portland Group, the two-day interactive workshop provides students with in-depth, hands-on lectures and laboratory exercises.

This course covers concepts and approaches related to programming GPU processors using OpenACC directives and the PGI Accelerator™ programming model. Extensive coverage of GPU hardware, memories, data transport, and performance optimization enable the student to understand the fundamental aspects of GPU programming. In-depth, hands-on lectures and laboratories demonstrate how to apply OpenACC directives to serial software. Using a directive based approach, students will capitalize on low-cost, high performance GPU computing hardware to improve application performance while reducing maintenance and support requirements.

Register now. A Tip of the Hat goes to GPU Science for pointing us to this story.