This week Bright Computing announced that Brazil’s prestigious National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE) chose Bright Cluster Manager to manage computing clusters used for simulating spacecraft control and orbit guidance.
Bright Cluster Manager is a powerful tool for building and testing HPC clusters,” said Guilherme Friol, CTO at Scherm Brasil. “We installed Bright on bare metal in under an hour, including our choice of workload manager that Bright provides as a pre-configured option. With Bright, we were able to quickly configure and test the system far faster than what is possible with other cluster management software. We also felt good about providing our customer with Bright for ongoing cluster management. They are impressed with Bright, and therefore pleased with us.”
INPE selected Bright Cluster Manager because its unified solution for provisioning, job scheduling, monitoring and management reduced both complexity and workload for the center’s systems administrators. Read the Full Story.