IBM PureData System a Pure Play for Big Data


In this video, IBM’s Inhi Cho Suh, Vice President Product Management & Strategy, give a guided tour of the IBM PureData Systems, which are specifically designed to “efficiently manage and quickly analyze petabytes of data in minutes.” The company is offering three workload-specific models of the PureData System for Transactions, Analytics, and Operational Analytics.

So what is a PureData system in terms of architecture? Building off its Netezza platform that IBM acquired in 2010, the PureData is an “Expert Integrated System” that leverages FPGAs for specific tasks.

The PureData System’s orders-of-magnitude performance advantage over other analytic options comes from its unique asymmetric massively parallel processing (AMPP) architecture that combines open, IBM blade servers and disk storage with IBM’s patented data filtering using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This combination delivers blistering fast query performance on analytic workloads supporting tens of thousands of BI and data warehouse users, sophisticated analytics at the speed of thought, and petabyte scalability.

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